Spiritual Direction Services

What is Spiritual Direction?
The Christian life often entails times of spiritual uncertainty—situations in which we are unsure of God’s will, confused about what God is doing in our circumstances, or generally dry in our relationship with God. Spiritual direction is a safe place to explore your questions and concerns about your life with God.

A Christian Spiritual Director is a trained listener who will accompany you as you share about your spiritual journey, helping you to notice God’s presence and activity along the way, as well as your personal reactions and responses. Hospitable, confidential, and grounded in Biblical truth, Spiritual Direction is a ministry that helps you grow in prayer and live into your calling as a follower of Christ.
(Source: Grafted Life Ministries | What Is Spiritual Direction?)

Christian Spiritual Direction dates back to Biblical times where Moses gave direction to the Israelites. Paul also wrote letters of spiritual guidance to the many churches that were developing around the Roman Empire. Later, in the 3rd-5th centuries, people would go into the desert to escape city life and utilize silence to draw closer to God. This is how the Benedictine monks came to be. See more of the history at Christianity Today and a textbook chapter from Professor Dahlia Fraser.

Spiritual Direction is a time to look, with a more experienced spiritual companion where God is in the many aspects of your life (relationships, work, health, memories, joys, sorrows).

What to expect in Spiritual Direction at CCM:
You can meet with a Spiritual Director either in person, over the phone or via video conferencing. A session usually lasts for about an hour and takes place about once a month.

Spiritual Direction Compare/Contrast:


Can you have a Spiritual Director and a Counselor at the same time?
Yes. However, if you would like the two professionals to collaborate, you must sign a Release of Information form authorizing such communication.

Who should seek Spiritual Direction?
Anyone who desires to understand their faith and grow deeper in practice. Since developing faith is often seen as a private matter in our society, it may feel different at first to share this type of information with another person. We desire to make a safe and comfortable space to go deeper.

How do I get started?
Call 610-295-9499 extension 0 to complete a phone intake; you will be matched with a Spiritual Director based on your preferences including in-person or virtual services.

A 15-minute complementary phone introductory meeting allows for both Director and directee to determine if the two are a good fit.

The fee is $65 per session and no scholarships are offered at this time for Spiritual Direction.